Industry Specializations

Understanding the unique property insurance and loss-prevention needs of high-challenge industries.

It doesn’t matter what business you’re in. Your industry challenges aren’t like another’s. You need a partner that understands your unique hazards.

We specialize in insurance solutions and focused research for a number of industries, including:

We partner with the chemical industry to evaluate the complex risks with comprehensive management systems to reduce exposures to operations by way of in-depth assessments of PSM and safety systems.


Universities and colleges are faced with enormous challenges, including how to keep their attendance high and their classroom doors open. We’ve conducted extensive research into the insurance issues educational facilities face, such as sprinklers, library and document protection, laboratories and more.


Forest Products
The forest products industry faces unique hazards related to pulp and paper manufacturing and the complexities of the production process. We insure more than 100 of the industry’s leading companies and can put more than a century of expertise and research to work for you. 


Hospitals and other healthcare institutions have a lot to worry about. From the physical protection of documents and hazardous and electrical equipment to sprinklers and overall fire prevention, our insurance and loss prevention solutions protect many of today's leading healthcare institutions.


FM Global has partnered with many of the largest mining companies in the world for more than 50 years and understands the complexity of processes and hazards though our globally positioned mine industry experts.


Molten Materials
Complex environments and exposures demand expert knowledge and understanding of the steel-making, aluminum-smelting and glass-processing industries with molten-material exposures to help protect against their unique hazards.


Pharmaceutical and Biotech
The challenges faced by pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies go well beyond traditional manufacturing risks. We understand these hazards and develop loss prevention recommendations that take into account supply chain challenges and sensitive laboratory and research and development environments.


Power Generation
This complex arena needs smart solutions to prevent loss. We help the world’s leading power suppliers get the insurance coverage and the property loss prevention recommendations they need to keep running.


Public Entities
Cost-effective, comprehensive insurance coverage and innovative, practical loss prevention solutions allow you to manage increasing and numerous risks, and still contain costs and maintain services to the public.


From leading-edge research and Approvals of fire-safe materials, we have developed innovative ways to protect the sensitive fabrication environments. We understand the unique challenges faced by semiconductor manufacturers, and partner with the industry to provide industry-focused loss prevention solutions.